About me

I am Jeroen Nijs, software developer. I live in Utrecht, The Netherlands, but I was born and raised in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. I work for the biggest webshop in The Netherlands, where I help to build the site, using Java.

You will notice that my blog is in Dutch. Yeah, I am sorry about that. I find it hard enough to express myself in Dutch, let alone to write in English. If you send me a message on Twitter I will respond in English, though.


What I love, besides programming, is reading. Both fiction and non fiction. I like listening to music as much as anybody. I play video games. Art can interest me, in moderation.


I’m usually on Mastodon, as @heejeroen@mastodon.nl. I sometimes can be found on Twitter, as @heejeroen.

I collect interesting links on Pinboard. The books I read are listed on goodreads.

I am a member of The Long Now Foundation and I make donations to the B612 Foundation.